Our Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to educate our viewers about the widespread use of retouching in print publications. Retouching implies making minor changes to photographs. However, modern advances in photo editing software allow photographs of individuals to be transformed into manufactured projections of reality.

Mostly commonly, retouching is used to enhance positive characteristics of an individual, although sometimes negative aspects are emphasized. Unlike a Barbie doll or animated character, these retouched images are portrayed as living, unimagined, portrayals of individuals in society. The truth is that most of the images we see in print publications, as well as online, are just as fake as cartoons. When looking at these blog posts, try to think about the effects these images have on yourself and others, especially younger generations.We are not trying to judge the rightness or wrongness of retouching; rather, we want to increase awareness about the prevalence of retouching so that media consumers are able better construct meanings from the images they encounter.

Five Steps to Media Literacy

1. Describe - Describe media product(s) by indentifying noteworthy elements or characteristics.

2. Analyze - Look for patterns that call for closer attention. Categorize those words!

3. Interpret - Try to determine meanings of patterns. What is the connection between the categories?

4. Evaluate - Make an informed judgment about media product

5. Engage - Take some action!

After viewing our blog, we hope you feel better knowing the world often being sold to us is not as perfect as it seems. We encourage you to post comments. Thank you for visiting!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Profit Driven Retouching?

One theory about retouching in advertisements is that it's done to create an aspirational concept of beauty that inspires women to buy more products. One may even say these perfectly retouches photos may make them feel bad about their own looks, and to compensate for this feeling they spend money on more and more beauty products. Is it fair that women are comparing themselves to pictures that don't even reflect what a real women looks like? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another "Retouched" Ralph Lauren Advertisement

Ironically, this model, Flippa Hamilton, claims to have been fired by Ralph Lauren for being overweight.  Critics of this doctored photo have pointed out that Flippa's head is nearly as large as her waist.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Beautiful Reality

In an article titled "True Thighs" published in More magazine Jamie Lee Curtis posed stripped of any makeup and without any retouching enhancements on the final product.  This is exactly what she wanted people to see.  “There’s a reality to the way I look without my clothes on,” she says. “I don’t have great thighs. I have very big breasts and a soft, fatty little tummy. And I’ve got back fat. People assume that I’m walking around in little spaghetti-strap dresses. It’s insidious — Glam Jamie, the Perfect Jamie, the great figure, blah, blah, blah. And I don’t want the unsuspecting 40-year-old women of the world to think that I’ve got it going on. It’s such a fraud. And I’m the one perpetuating it.”  How much of an inspiration is this to female readers?  What does JLC's message say about female body image and the role media play in creating this?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ralph Lauren Turns Skinny Model into Grotesquely Skinny Model


Ralph Lauren has recently taken a lot of heat for using photoshopped images of models in his advertisements. In this case, he was caught when both of these images were shown on differen parts of his Australian website. This hips and waist on this model have been made significantly smaller. What kind of message does this send to young women?  If a selling point for clothes is that they make you look thin, then is this false advertising?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time Magazine: Retouching at its Worst


O.J. Simpson's mug shot was retouched from its original state to show this suspect as a darker and possibly more guilty looking perpetrator.  Is this okay?  Is this fair?  What might this new photo represent in terms of gender and/or stereotypes?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Photoshop Mistakes

Although most experts check and recheck their work, there are sometimes slip-ups. This is one of the problems with photo retouching. Not only does it portray a unrealistic body image type, it also carries the chance for impoosible body image types. What do these mistakes do to the minds of young women? Can you find what is missing in this picture?

Time Lapse Video of a Photo Retouch

It takes a lot of work to make a photo magazine ready. Check out this time lapse video of a photo retouch. It is almost like watching someone sketch a drawing and requires a lot of effort and skill. Notice how perfect she looks at the very end. A lack of imperfections is a clear sign that an image has been photoshopped.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Before and After


Not even a few strands of "wild" hair can hide from the masterful hand (or should i say mouse) of a hollywood retoucher. Here, Penelope Cruz's locks get the good treatment, along with the rest of her body of course.  How many changes can you find?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

About Our Main Image


This is a before and after image done by "master retoucher" Amy Dresser.  The image was created to show off the power of photo retouching (as well as Amy's skills).  Her portfolio includes: Jessica Alba, Gwen Stefani, Rebecca Romijn, Kat Von D, Jenna Jameson, Lil Wayne, Katy Perry, Denise Richards, and Britney Spears.  More of Amy's work can be seen here: